
Leadership starts in the home

Be Who They Need – Make a Difference

Great leaders don’t set out to be parents. They set out to make a difference. It’s never about the role, it’s always about the goal. FamilyLead stared because I never set out to be a parent. I wanted to have kids and thought of all the fun we would have, but I never gave a lot of thought to the responsibility that comes with being a parent leader. We will all be leaders in our own homes if we are any part of a family. Most people don’t set out to have kids because they want someone they can boss around. In other words, they want authority and a title. They want the tile of parent for their own benefit. Read more…

Find Your Leverage

Leverage the strength that you have; that no one else can be you. – Todd Wheatland Great leaders know who they are and sometimes more importantly they know who they aren’t. One key to a great parent leader is they use their leverage. Leverage in its simplest form is using something to its maximum advantage. Where the magic happens is when you find your strength and use it to its full advantage.  In the book Good To Great by Jim Collins, he talks about this as the hedgehog principle. It is named after the hedgehog because Collins points out the hedgehog does one thing but he does it well. In fact, he does it better than any other animal. He Read more…

You Want To Be A Geeky Parent

When you are geeky, you are geeky for others. When you want to be cool, you want to be cool for yourself. Be a Geeky Parent.   Are you a geeky parent leader or a cool one? I bet we all want to think we are the cool parent. The one who our kids love to go to, and their friends love to come over to our house. The ones that give them whatever they ask for. The one who other parents look at as the cool parent at the park. I always wanted to be this parent, the cool one. Until I listened to a thought leader, advise about being a geek. We all should seek out to be Read more…

What Do You Permit?

“What you permit, you promote. What you allow, you encourage. What you condone, you own. What you tolerate, you deserve.” -Michelle Malkin     You can’t complain about that which you permit. When we create a culture in our homes it is created largely by the things we permit to happen. Most times we are conscious about the actions we intentionally take to create our culture. The flip side of this coin is our culture is created by things we permit to happen even if we don’t realize we are letting them happen. If there is a behavior in your home or in your life it is up to you as a leader to be intentional about changing it. The Read more…

Attached to the Outcome, Not the Process

Be attached to the outcome, not the process. Fall in love with the process. That is what they say all great people have in common. They just love to put in the work, day in and day out. Is there a specific way to be a great loving parent leader? Is there one way of doing things that is going to ensure success for you as a parent? If you have been a parent for more than 10 minutes, you know the answer is no. Parentship or being a parent leader is not an easy task. Just because something works for the Smiths down the street does not mean that is how it has to be done. Every family is Read more…