
Leadership starts in the home

Parenting is Destination, Not Location

My calling is not built on a location, it’s built on a destination. – Coach Deion Sanders

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I love the thought of Coach Prime’s response to the media as he was introduced as the new head football coach of the University of Colorado. A few layers stood out as I thought about his comments about tying yourself to a destination rather than a location. While on the surface, location, and destination are a place, they don’t mean the same thing.

Your location is where you are and your circumstances at any given point. You may be in the stage of your parenting journey where you are dealing with toddlers and diapers day in and out. It could be the time of life when you are dealing with teenagers and curfews. You might even be at the point where you are there to help with your grandkids and are dealing with your kids as parents. This is your location in life. These locations are only points in time of your journey to your destination.

Your destination could be the same in all three locations given as examples above. While the location differs, your calling or destination is the same. If we look at parent leadership as how you make those within your influence feel about themselves, then your destination as a parent is influence and empowerment for your kids. Your destination is your calling to be there to help them and create the best version of them.

No matter your stage in life as a parent leader, your destination is much further down the road. At the same time, that destination can evolve and may even be different for each one of your children. You are the hand that can lift them up and gives them what they need to take the next step. To move on to the next location. With your help, they can understand their own destination.

The next part Coach Prime calls out is his calling. Your calling is what you were born to do. It will get you to your destination or your vision of yourself. There can’t be a calling without a destination. Think about your children no matter what stage they are in life. What is your calling to them? Why are they in your life right now? As you contemplate your role in their life, you will see your calling to them evolve and take shape. 

Your location at this moment may be one you love or one you despise. The great news is that your location is just a stopping point on the way to your destination. Locations change when we take action and move our feet. But it is up to us to take those steps. You are your destination, not your location. 

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