
Leadership starts in the home


Author: Jason

Small Beginnings

From Small Beginnings Come Great Things. Proverb   There is a meme that has made the rounds the past couple of years that I love. It shows a bunch of garages. They are nothing to look at in terms of beauty. The garages are not big, just the run-of-the-mill garage you would see going down most any street in America. Under each one of these garages, it shows names like Apple, Google, and even Disney. These companies that are now part of our everyday life did not start with all the glitz and glamour they have now. Great things start small and simple. It is small and simple that change the world. The real key to success is in small Read more…

Knowledge Is The Answer

Knowledge is the antidote to fear. – Ralph Waldo Emmerson   I don’t like haunted houses, scary stories, or even a good horror movie. Why would I want to pay money or invest my time in something that will scare me? I know, I am a total buzz kill come Halloween time.  There are so many things out there that can bring us fear. Especially when we are dealing with something we love and are so invested in, like our family, sometimes it might even bring us anxiety about all the things that could potentially go wrong. So what do we do when we find ourselves facing fear. The first is to seek knowledge. The antidote to fear is knowing Read more…


  There is always a way – if you are committed. Tony Robbins When was the last time you gave up on something? It might have been something important, or in my case, I gave up on my diet this weekend. It was so much more fun to enjoy the chocolate that was sitting in the fridge.  So you are thinking one of two things right now. The first might be, why do I have the chocolate in the fridge if I am on a diet. The second thing you are thinking is why is the chocolate in the fridge? The answers to your questions are; I was not bought into the diet. The second is the truth that our Read more…

A DIY Life

It takes half your life to realize that your life is a do-it-yourself project. – Napoleon Hill We have a whole station dedicated to making homeowners do it yourselfers. They tackle all sorts of projects on every show where they seek to empower homeowners to save money and improve their house by showing them how to do tasks they would generally pay professionals to come in and handle. Napoleon Hill is one of the Godfathers of self-improvements. Even though it has been years since he has been with us, his truths still guide us today. Our own life is a do-it-yourself project. It is up to us to create the type of life we want. To get the right mindset Read more…

Everyday Decisions

Sometimes it is the smallest decision that can change your life forever – Keri Russell As a parent leader, there are so many things we have to decide every day. Some are big, like deciding where to live. We need to choose where our kids will go to school. We need to decide on essential things like your family vision. (Shout out to our family plan you can get on our website will make this a painless thought-provoking process. Go get yours!) Then there are the little things each day. What are the kids going to have for breakfast? Then deciding how to get the Cheerios off the ceiling and not even asking how they got there. We decide what Read more…